The 3rd International Conference on Embedded Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ESAI'24)
December 19-20, 2024 | Fez, Morocco
Technically Co-Sponsored by

Pr. Vincenzo Piuri

Pr. Vincenzo Piuri has received his Ph.D. in computer engineering at Polytechnic of Milan, Italy (1989). He is Full Professor in computer engineering at the University of Milan, Italy (since 2000). He has been Associate Professor at Polytechnic of Milan, Italy and Visiting Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, USA, and visiting researcher at George Mason University, USA. His main research interests are: artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, machine learning, pattern analysis and recognition, intelligent systems, signal and image processing, biometrics, intelligent measurement systems, industrial applications, digital processing architectures, fault tolerance, cloud computing infrastructures, and internet-of-things. Original results have been published in 400+ papers in international journals, proceedings of international conferences, books, and book chapters. He is Fellow of the IEEE, Distinguished Scientist of ACM, and Senior Member of INNS. He is IEEE Region 8 Director (2023-24), and has been IEEE Vice President for Technical Activities (2015), IEEE Director, President of the IEEE Systems Council, President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Vice President for Education of the IEEE Biometrics Council, Vice President for Publications of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society and the IEEE Systems Council, and Vice President for Membership of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. He has been Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Systems Journal (2013-19). He is Associate Editor of IEEE Open Journal on Systems Engineering and has been Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computers, the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, and IEEE Access. He received the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Technical Award (2002), the IEEE TAB Hall of Honor (2019), and the Rudolf Kalman Professor Title of the Obuda University, Hungary. He is Honorary Professor at: Obuda University, Hungary; Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, China; Northeastern University, China; Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan; Amity University, India; Galgotias University, India; Chandigarh University, India; and BIHER, India.


Title: Artificial Intelligence in Embedded Systems and Edge Computing.

Personalization, adaptability, and advanced services require a smart analysis of a massive amount of data for understanding the current needs of users and the status of the observed quantities to take informed decisions in advanced applications. Artificial intelligence is essential to extract knowledge from data and support decisions in an evolvable environment. In our daily life, a broad variety of devices and systems need the ability of adapting their behavior to the current needs of users and the environment. Embedded systems can offer support to smart applications by including artificial intelligence solutions. In complex applications requiring several data sources in a network infrastructure, the amount of data is dramatically increasing. To reduce the need of a large communication bandwidth, also in wireless connections, the preliminary data analysis directly performed at the edge of the infrastructure where sensors and other data sources are located allows for reducing the amount of data to be transferred in the network. In edge computing, adaptivity can be introduced by artificial intelligence. This talk will analyze the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence in embedded systems and edge computing to implement smart applications capable of analyzing data and extracting knowledge to support the system operation in a dynamically evolvable environment and with evolvable user needs.

Pr. El-ghazali Talbi

Pr. El-ghazali Talbi received the Master and Ph.D degrees in Computer Science, both from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble in France. He is a full Professor at the University of Lille. His current research interests are in the field of optimization, parallel algorithms, metaheuristics, high-performnce computing, optimization and machine learning, and application to energy, logistics/transportation, bioimedical and networks. Professor Talbi has a h-index of 56 and to his credit more than 300 publications in journals, chapters in books, and conferences. He is the co-editor of ten books. He was a guest editor of more than 17 special issues in different journals (Journal of Heuristics, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, European Journal of Operational Research, Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Global Optimization). He was the head of the INRIA Dolphin project and the bioinformatics platform of the Genopole of Lille. He has many collaborative national, European and international projects. He is the co-founder and the coordinator of the research group dedicated to Metaheuristics: Theory and Applications (META). He served as a conference chair of more than 20 international conferences (e.g. EA'2005, ROADEF'2006, META'2008, IEEE AICCSA'2010, META'2014, MIC'2015, OLA'2018, MOPGP'2019, AICCSA'2020).


Title: Metaheuristics for architecture and hyperparameter optimization of Deep Neural Networks.

In recent years, research in metaheuristic optimization approaches in the architecture and hyperparameter optimization of deep neural networks has become increasingly popular. Although various approaches have been proposed, there is a lack of a comprehensive survey and taxonomy on this hot research topic. In this talk, we propose a unified way to describe the various metaheuristics that focus on common and important search components of optimization algorithms: representation, objective function, constraints, initial solution(s), and variation operators. In addition to large-scale search space, the problem is characterized by its variable mixed design space, it is very expensive, and it has multiple blackbox objective functions. Hence, this unified methodology has been extended to advanced optimization approaches, such as surrogate-based, multi-objective, and parallel optimization.

Pr. Abderrahim Benslimane

Pr. Abderrahim Benslimane is Full Professor of Computer-Science at the Avignon University/France since 2001. He is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology and head of the master Degree SICOM. He has been nominated in 2020, 2022, 2024 as IEEE VTS Distinguished Lecturer/Speaker. He is awarded the French award for Doctoral supervision and Research. He has been an International Expert at the French Ministry of Foreign and European affairs (2012-2016). He served as a coordinator of the Faculty of Engineering and head of the Research Center in Informatics at the French University in Egypt. He was attributed the French award of Scientific Excellency (2011-2014). He has been as Associate Professor at the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard since September 1994. He obtained the title to supervise researches (HDR 2000) from the University of Cergy-Pontoise, France. He received the PhD degree (1993), DEA (MS 1989) from the Franche-Comte University of Besançon, and BS (1987) from the University of Nancy, all in Computer Science. He has been nominated IEEE ComSoc Steering Chair of Multimedia Communications TC 2022–2024 and previously served as Vice Chair 2020–2022. He is past Chair of the ComSoc Technical Committee of Communication and Information Security 2017–2019. He is EiC of Inderscience Int. J. of Multimedia Intelligence and Security (IJMIS), Advisory board member of IEEE IoT journal, editorial member of IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Springer Wireless Network Journal and Past Area Editor of Wiley Security and Privacy journal 2017–2019. He is co-founder and serves as General-Chair of the IEEE WiMob since 2005 and of iCOST and MoWNet international conference since 2011. He is serving as Track chair in IEEE WPMC’23, IEEE ICCC 2023 and Conference Chair at ICNC’24 MCC. He served as General Chair of IEEE CNS 2020, Executive Forum Co-Chair at IEEE Globecom 2020, Program vice Chair of IEEE TrustCom 2020, Program Chair of IEEE iThings 2020, Symposium co- chair/leader in many IEEE international conferences such as ICC, Globecom, AINA and VTC. He was Guest Editor of many special issues. He participates to the steering and the program committee of many IEEE international conferences. He was Board committee member, Vice-chair of Student activities of IEEE France section/Region 8; he was Publication Vice-chair and Conference Vice-Chair of the ComSoc TC of Communication and Information Security. He participates to the steering and the program committee of many IEEE international conferences. He has more than 280 refereed international publications (books, conference proceedings, journals and conferences) and more than 20 Special issues. All publications are in my research topics. He supervised more than 22 Ph.D thesis and more than 42 M.Sc. research thesis. For more detail, see my complete CV:


Title: Internet of Things: Trust and Security challenges - application to Vehicular networks.

In Internet of Vehicles (IoV)/ Internet of Things (IoT), availability of devices, reliability of communication, Quality of Service (QoS), and security are all essential for the good functioning of applications. This talk will deal with trust and security in IoT and present some recent work on the topic. Then, a focus will be given on Intelligent and Connected Vehicle monitoring and will present some recent work on the elaboration of some new attacks..

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